
Mazista supports the Kirsty Watts Foundation

We therefore couldn’t let an invitation from the Kirsty Watts Foundation pass by to be part of an extraordinary mission of refurbishing the Children’s Memorial Institute Hall.

Situated in Joubert Street, Braamfontein, the old Transvaal Memorial Hospital is now the Children’s Memorial Institute, which is a collection of about 30 separate organisations, mostly non-profit organisations that provide a number of services for children with special needs.

The Hall itself will accommodate hundreds of children including The Johannesburg Autism School which has 340 children who will all use this facility regularly for school events and occupational therapy.

The other NPO’s housed in the greater building will also be using this space for various functions, workshops, training etc. This is a list of NPO’s who will benefit from the improved hall:

  • A Chance to Play
  • Afrika Tikkun
  • Autism South Africa
  • Childline Gauteng
  • Children’s disAbility Centre
  • CMI Dental Clinic
  • Down Syndrome Association Gauteng
  • Fight with Insight
  • Gauteng Children’s Rights Committee
  • Hotel Hope Ministries
  • J&J Perinatal Project
  • Johannesburg Child Advocacy Forum
  • Johannesburg Hospital School
  • Johannesburg Parent and Child Counselling Centre
  • Lefika La Phodiso
  • Malamulele Onward
  • National Alliance for Street Children
  • Philile Foundation
  • SAABI Shaken and Abused Baby Initiative
  • Sibahle Educational Puppetry Programme
  • Sunlight Safe House
  • Sunshine Centre Association
  • The Teddy Bear Clinic
  • Thusanani Children’s Foundation
  • Wheel Well
  • Wits Paediatric Fund
  • Wits Reproductive Health & HIV Institute


Mazista is proud and honoured to be a part of this event.


Cape Town